Saturday, May 24, 2014

Keep Oral Nicholas "Nick" Hillary Behind Bars!

Keep Oral Nicholas "Nick" Hillary Behind Bars!

St. Lawrence County Judge
Judge Jerome Richards
2 1/2 years ago Garrett Phillips was brutally murdered. This man is a danger to the community, he is a flight risk, and could possibly tamper with the witnesses who can put him away for this horrendous crime. Don't take that chance by allowing him to make any sort of bail. We all want the same thing Justice For Garrett!!!!! We have less than 10 days to get all the signatures!!!! SIGN & SHARE!!!!

Judge Jerome Richards, St. Lawrence County Judge
Keep Oral Nicholas "Nick" Hillary Behind Bars!
[Your name]

Turn your signature into dozens more by sharing this petition and recruiting people you know to sign.

Friday, May 23, 2014

A toss-up for business expense

Should I buy Lightscribe capable CD's/DVD's or the regular ones and the ink-jet labels to go with them?

The ink-jet labels offer a much more customizable look...

 however, the lightscribe version offers unparalleled durability... hmmm...

I suppose I could alternate between them... but then again... from standard business point of view I suppose I should stay with a permanent decision to maintain a consistent look.

I ordered the regular ones... will have to print out my labels .

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Spring Cleaning

I have taken a little time to take care of some loose ends here on the blog.

First and most obvious is that the header banner now fills the entire width of the page instead of only 900 pixels of it.

Second issue was the failure of the ambient music. UbuntuOne had discontinued their service and in doing such the link to the music file no longer worked. I now have that resolved having moved the file to a different host.

The Ubuntu Widget had not been loading the picture from their link (and it still doesn't) so I simply copied and placed it on the same host as the music file... It works!

Although this isn't an actual bit of housekeeping, I continue to look for a Solid External blog editor that works with both Blogger AND Ubuntu, no simply a Firefox Add-on such as ScribeFire, I want a fully independent editor. I've exhausted the ones in the Ubuntu repositories (Drivel, Blogilo, BEP, etc)... and they all have the same shortfall of not interacting with Blogger correctly, usually on the authentication side of things. If anyone has any Ideas... be sure to pass them on.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Number One Reason I Use Linux

Linux offers





 control over

 their operating

