Yeah, Yeah... I know... you shouldn't move stuff in 'til you have it
finished, unfortunately we are forcing it to free up the bedroom I had
taken over in the house. So far all I have in there can be pulled away
from the wall for insulating... can't do that unit fall anyway to let
the green lumber dry out a bit... it is Amish built after all.
-Electrical.... check.
-Telephone... check.
-Internet... check
-Music... of course.
-Tools... most of them.
I insulated the roof all ready... more from necessity than anything... gets really warm in there in the full sun without it.;P
So far... I'm liking it! Hey, it's a tax write-off if nothing else.
It has been a battle getting this far so quickly... 60 hour weeks behind the wheel of the bus limits available move time. It is a busy time of year for transportation.
This is where the mad scientist works! and he's good at it too!