Friday, August 29, 2014

First Bus Run

Since Summer School ended

I have a trip to Saranac Lake and then on to Lake Placid tomorrow afternoon. As the leaves are just beginning to turn colors here I would imagine that up in the mountains they will be nearly at their peak.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Another 15 GB Of FREE Online Storage


That' the name of the service that offers 15 GB of online storage... FREE!

With desktop integration agents for all three of the top OS's... Windows, Mac, and Linux... and even mobile apps for Android.

As my installation of choice is Ubuntu these shots are from the Linux Agent which integrates very well with the Ubuntu panel and Nautilus.

With the ability to make changes and manage all your preferences right on your desktop.

Claim your 15 GB Free storage at the COPY website

Thursday, August 21, 2014

What A Great Idea

We took a family day trip...

...across the border to Ottawa today with my Daughter and one of her friends.


A safe, indoor (air conditioned) playground.

I would totally recommend this as a kids destination to anyone looking to get the kids out for the day.

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Facts are Facts

I don't understand it... but it seems to be that most reporters / news agencies don't take accuracy on locations too seriously when it comes to reporting Rural news.
I am totally thrilled that the Perps that kidnapped the two local Amish Girls were caught... they are now where they deserve to be and hopefully get what they deserve to get.

On to correct the location of the events...

There is a large difference between the Hamlet of Oswegatchie, located in the Town of Fine (RED DOT) and the Town of Oswegatchie where the Amish family lives, just south of Heuvelton (BLUE DOT). Why is it that so many are so confused between towns and Hamlets. The Hamlet of Richville where they were found is in the Town of DeKalb only 16 miles south from their home on US Rt 11 with absolutely no connection with the Town of Fine.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Great Idea... But...

Tile draining a field to increase crop yields is a great idea...

But forgetting one little detail...

Even in the middle of a field...

Can ruin a lot of people's day...

No internet for over 12 hours yesterday, as luck had it I was away to Tupper Lake for the most of it anyway... but jeez! Bet that was an expensive fix for the farmer.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


A/C  in the shop that is...

Yes, putting it in the wall was a planned event. I hate taking an ac in and out with the weather when only a fan is needed. This way in the fall I can take it out and winterize and can put it back in the spring, thus only handling it twice a year instead of multiple times. On a cooler day I can turn it off and open the windows.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Cheap and Viable Computing

Deals are out there!

A friend of mine was at a garage sale the other day and came across a gem in the rough... so to speak.
Although an older model with an AMD Sempron CPU... it had the good fortune of having the Nvidia Graphics. A good cleaning and the addition of a second 512MB stick of ram and this machine was ready for new life with a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04LTS Trusty Tahr.  With the use of Nvidia's Graphics driver this is now a fully capable home use PC.  For the $10 my friend gave for the computer (which included a 24" Acer monitor, keyboard and wireless mouse) and $5 for a used 512MB stick... he has all the computer he needs for home to deal with e-mail, web browsing, and the occasional movie. 
Thanks to the light footprint of the Ubuntu system, XBMC runs smoothly and plays movies full screen without a hitch.
My friend is pleased with the results, and even more pleased that he got it all for a total of only $15....!
The deals are out there if you know what to look for, being in the right place at the right time is the trick.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Deep Fried Oreo's

The easy way.

First put one package of Oreo's (of your preference peanut butter ones work great) in the freezer over night.

 then using Bisquick make up a batch of Pancake batter. A two cup batch will do 24 to 28 Oreo's.

Then get the deep fryer out and warmed up to 350 - 375

Dip frozen Oreo's into the pancake batter and place into the fryer 4 or five at a time flipping over after about 30 seconds then removing after about 30 seconds more. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or dip in cool-whip.