Saturday, June 29, 2013


No Pics yet, but... I have just put another day of work and $200 into materials on the shop. I will be able to get the shelving installed now and start sorting out the mess.
     * Insulation------- Check.

     * Wall board-----  Check

     * Shelf mounts--  Check

     * Thwarted attempt by Lowes to charge me $130 more than needed--- Check.

Now nearing a place for the permanent home for the server.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Asus Up and Running

Gotta love the NVidia Graphics... so much better than the Intel Graphics. Along with the Solid State drive, this machine is up-and-running only 11 seconds after the post.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saying Good-bye

My old server, it seems, has simply seen better days. I cannot complain as I have had a good solid 7 years of service from an otherwise useless old dell Dimension that was out of date when I placed it in service as a server in the first place.
On to newer and more energy efficient equipment... and a bit faster.  I am making the move to a rack mount system as a server, and being a fan of the small and energy efficient Atom... this choice from SuperMicro seemed a logical choice to me.
I have all ready upgraded my LAN to Gigabit and am looking forward to a server that can utilize that speed as well. I have a 40GB Solid State Drive for the Operating System (Ubuntu Server 64bit) and have two Seagate 3TB drives ready for installation.

If I was able to get 7 years of 24-7 use from the old Dimension... I will hope to be able to top 10 years with this one... I fear my expectations may be a bit too high... we'll see.

For now, I just need to sit back and wait for the UPS man to deliver.